The Senior Credential Evaluator is a qualification evaluation and recognition professional with at least five years of experience in the sector who, in addition to all the skills required for the Junior level, is also able to define and update recognition practices by monitoring their quality, carrying out research and developing new knowledge in the field.

Credential Evaluator

Senior Level

Knowledge and Skills

Carry out a procedure for the recognition of a qualification

Carry out an evaluation procedure and reach an opinion and/or a decision to recognise a qualification, in terms of comparability, equivalence and nostrification of a qualification for academic and professional purposes.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.2Understand what information on the qualifications for which recognition is being requested is necessary and adequate for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • K.3Understand which recognition procedures to use on the basis of their different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.4Understand which documentation is required for recognition procedures based on specific purposes.
  • K.5Understand which is the necessary documentation for the recognition procedures based on the education and training system of the country to which the qualification refers, and the main information tools available (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • K.6Know the specific requirements for access to educational and professional activities.
  • K.7Be familiar with the qualifications for access to higher education in the different education and training systems, and any specific requirements (e.g. need for an additional exam in addition to the final high school qualification for access to higher education or qualifications that give access only to particular types of institutes or specific higher education programs).
  • K.8Understand the difference between access and admission as defined in the recommendation on the automatic recognition of qualifications.
  • K.9Know how a qualification is normally evaluated, and the specific recognition cases/evaluation standards of a particular qualification, used as a base even in the uniqueness of a single individual evaluation.
  • K.10Understand the concepts of comparability, equivalence and nostrification.
  • K.11Be familiar with the main national and international legislation in the field of recognition of refugee qualifications.
  • K.12Know the main methodologies for evaluating the qualifications of refugees in the event of partial or missing documentation.
  • K.13Know what the timelines set by national legislation are for the different recognition procedures.
  • K.14Know what the consequences of recognition are, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic degree.
  • K.15Be familiar with the main current and historical elements of education and training systems at national and international level.
  • K.16Be familiar with the theory and practice of the concept of level of a qualification, the qualifications frameworks, national and international (European Qualifications Framework - EQF, and qualifications framework of the higher education system - QF-EHEA).
  • K.29Know the main methods of verifying the authenticity of a qualification (security features such as watermarks, stamps, etc.; databases for online verification, etc.) and the main standards of reference with respect to the format and characteristics in the various education and training systems.
  • K.17Know the theory and practice of the concept of workload of a qualification, of the main forms of measurement (credits, ECTS, etc.), and of grading systems.
  • K.18Know the theory and practice of the concept of accreditation of the programme or institution where the qualification was obtained and the forms of accreditation and quality assessment of institutions and programmes in education and training systems at national and international level.
  • K.19Know the theory and practice of the concept of the programmatic or institutional profile where the qualification was obtained.
  • K.20Know the theory and practice of the learning outcomes concept and where related information can be found.
  • K.21Know the main elements to assess the status of an institution and a programme at the time the degree was issued.
  • K.22Know the types of institutions that are not accredited but legitimate, enjoying other forms of quality assessment.
  • K.23Be aware of the types and models of transnational and international education, the types of institutions and their qualifications and the legislation that regulates them.
  • K.24Know the programmes and joint degrees, and the legislation that regulates them at national and international level.
  • K.25Be aware of the phenomenon of diploma mills and accreditation mills.
  • K.26Be familiar with the main primary and secondary sources of information, both national and international.
  • K.27Be familiar with the national information centres on the recognition of qualifications established on the basis of regional conventions.
  • K.28Be familiar with the main types of non-traditional qualifications (e.g. qualifications issued following the recognition of previous learning, flexible paths such as MOOCs, modular examples, such as the so-called micro-credentials, etc.) and the main criteria for their recognition.
  • K.30Conoscere la teoria e la prassi a livello nazionale e internazionale del concetto di differenza sostanziale in linea con la Convezione di Lisbona.
  • K.31Know how to formulate an opinion and/or a decision, as a result of the recognition procedures based on different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.32Know the different forms of partial, alternative or conditional recognition.
  • K.33Know the right of appeal and the related procedure in accordance with national law.
  • K.34Be familiar with the main methods of digitalisation in the field of recognition of qualifications and secure exchange of digital student data.
  • K.35Deploy the main IT tools necessary to carry out the evaluation of qualifications.
  • K.38Understand the criteria for dealing with complex recognition cases, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which accreditation information is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • K.39Understand the principles and characteristic elements of the security and protection of personal data as set by the GDPR.
  • K.40Be familiar with the contents, methodology and methods for training and bringing up to date junior credential evaluators.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.2Know how to find necessary and adequate information on the qualifications for which recognition is requested for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • S.3Know how to give authoritative and accurate information on the system and qualifications of the system in which the evaluator is based, on the systems and qualifications of other systems, and on issues related to the recognition and assessment of qualifications, in accordance with national laws and regulations.
  • S.4Know how to apply and follow the recognition procedure based on purpose (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.5Know how to provide information to the applicant on the documentation necessary for recognition based on the purpose declared.
  • S.6Know how to find the missing information necessary for the evaluation and how to use the main information tools (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • S.7Know how to provide clear and transparent information at all stages of the recognition procedure.
  • S.8Know how to provide clear and transparent information on the recognition procedures, from the request to the appeal procedure and on the methodology and criteria used for the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.9Know how to judge the completeness or otherwise of the documents and information necessary to conduct the evaluation procedure according to the purpose and the system of reference.
  • S.10Know how to manage requests and applications from the applicant, indicating missing documents and/or information, using the terminology of the applicant’s country of origin, and providing information to the applicant on how and where to obtain the required documents and/or information.
  • S.11Know how to find the information necessary for recognition, first of all from the holder of the qualification, then from the institution that issued the qualification and from the competent authorities of the education and training system of reference.
  • S.12Know how to find accurate and certified information from primary and secondary, national and international sources.
  • S.13Know how to evaluate a qualification for the purposes of access and admission to a specific programme/course.
  • S.14Know how to conduct evaluations on a case-by-case basis and according to the purpose stated, but taking into account how a qualification is normally evaluated, and knowing the specific recognition cases/evaluation standards of a particular qualification, on which to base each single evaluation.
  • S.15Know how to apply the concepts of comparability, equivalence and nostrification in the evaluation.
  • S.16Know how to evaluate the qualifications of refugees in line with the relevant national and international legislation.
  • S.17Know how to evaluate the qualifications of refugees even in cases of partial or missing documentation.
  • S.18Know how to carry out a recognition in a reasonable period of time, and in any case within the maximum terms established by the national legislation on the subject.
  • S.19Know how to give information on the consequences of recognition, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic qualification.
  • S.20Know how to evaluate a qualification on the basis of knowledge of the characteristics of the education and training system at the time of its release.
  • S.21Know how to determine the level of a title.
  • S.22Know how to calculate the workload represented by a qualification.
  • S.23Know how to verify the status of an institution and the accreditation/recognition of a course at the time the degree was issued based on the education and training system of reference.
  • S.24Know how to identify the type of institution and the type of course.
  • S.25Know how to measure the learning outcomes of a qualification.
  • S.26Know how to identify non-accredited but legitimate institutions with alternative forms of quality assessment.
  • S.27Know how to evaluate qualifications and titles issued in international and transnational study path scenarios.
  • S.28Know how to evaluate joint degrees.
  • S.29Know how to identify a fake institution (so-called “diploma mills”) and a fake accreditation agency (so-called “accreditation mills”).
  • S.30Know how to request information from national information centres on the recognition of qualifications established on the basis of regional conventions where they exist.
  • S.31Know how to evaluate non-traditional qualifications and titles, such as qualifications issued in the face of flexible and modular paths, prior learning and lifelong learning (e.g. micro-credentials).
  • S.32Know how to verify the authenticity of a qualification and its compliance with the standards of the system it comes from.
  • S.33Know how to identify and evaluate false and counterfeit documents, be able to identify anomalies or inconsistencies in documents that may be indicators of fraud, or that require more convincing explanation during the evaluation phase.
  • S.34Know how to identify differences that can be defined as substantial, in line with the Lisbon Convention, in the qualification for which recognition is requested and the corresponding qualification in the system in which recognition is sought, with respect to the purpose for which such recognition is requested.
  • S.35Know how to formulate an opinion and/or a decision, as a result of the recognition procedures based on the different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.36Know how to communicate the outcome of the procedure to the applicant, explaining the decision on the recognition in a way that is consistent and compliant with the relevant legislation.
  • S.37Know how to justify the reasons for denial of recognition in cases of substantial difference
  • S.38Where there is a substantial difference and full recognition of the qualification is not possible for the required purpose, suggest partial, alternative or conditional forms of recognition.
  • S.39Know how to provide information on the right to appeal and the appeal procedure.
  • S.40Know how to manage the appeal procedure according to the relevant legislation, from the request to the drafting and communication of the outcome of the procedure.
  • S.41Know how to use the main types of IT solutions and methodologies for the secure sharing of qualifications and student data in a digital environment, and being able to verify the authenticity of digital certificates and qualifications.
  • S.42Mastery of the main IT and digital tools necessary to carry out the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.45Know how to evaluate complex cases of recognition, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which the information relating to accreditation is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • S.46Know how to apply the principles and main elements in the field of safety and protection of personal data of the GDPR, and handle and protect the personal data of the applicant in line with this legislation.

Respect the professional deontological aspects

Carry out the recognition of a qualification exclusively on the basis of the knowledge and skills acquired, without discrimination for any reason, such as sex, race, colour, disability, language, religion, political or other opinions, national, ethnic or social origins, belonging to national minorities, abilities, birth or other civil status, or for other reasons not relating to the value of the qualification for which recognition is sought.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.2Understand what information on the qualifications for which recognition is being requested is necessary and adequate for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • K.3Understand which recognition procedures to use on the basis of their different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.9Know how a qualification is normally evaluated, and the specific recognition cases/evaluation standards of a particular qualification, used as a base even in the uniqueness of a single individual evaluation.
  • K.14Know what the consequences of recognition are, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic degree.
  • K.39Understand the principles and characteristic elements of the security and protection of personal data as set by the GDPR.
  • K.41Be familiar with the main national and international guidelines and best practices in the field of monitoring the quality of recognition procedures.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.2Know how to find necessary and adequate information on the qualifications for which recognition is requested for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • S.3Know how to give authoritative and accurate information on the system and qualifications of the system in which the evaluator is based, on the systems and qualifications of other systems, and on issues related to the recognition and assessment of qualifications, in accordance with national laws and regulations.
  • S.4Know how to apply and follow the recognition procedure based on purpose (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.5Know how to provide information to the applicant on the documentation necessary for recognition based on the purpose declared.
  • S.7Know how to provide clear and transparent information at all stages of the recognition procedure.
  • S.8Know how to provide clear and transparent information on the recognition procedures, from the request to the appeal procedure and on the methodology and criteria used for the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.14Know how to conduct evaluations on a case-by-case basis and according to the purpose stated, but taking into account how a qualification is normally evaluated, and knowing the specific recognition cases/evaluation standards of a particular qualification, on which to base each single evaluation.
  • S.19Know how to give information on the consequences of recognition, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic qualification.
  • S.46Know how to apply the principles and main elements in the field of safety and protection of personal data of the GDPR, and handle and protect the personal data of the applicant in line with this legislation.
  • S.48Know how to set up, conduct and evaluate an action to monitor the quality of recognition procedures according to the main national and international guidelines and best practices on the subject.

Respect the fundamental principles of recognition

Carry out the recognition activity with transparent, consistent and reliable procedures and criteria.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.2Understand what information on the qualifications for which recognition is being requested is necessary and adequate for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • K.3Understand which recognition procedures to use on the basis of their different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.14Know what the consequences of recognition are, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic degree.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.2Know how to find necessary and adequate information on the qualifications for which recognition is requested for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • S.3Know how to give authoritative and accurate information on the system and qualifications of the system in which the evaluator is based, on the systems and qualifications of other systems, and on issues related to the recognition and assessment of qualifications, in accordance with national laws and regulations.
  • S.4Know how to apply and follow the recognition procedure based on purpose (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.48Know how to set up, conduct and evaluate an action to monitor the quality of recognition procedures according to the main national and international guidelines and best practices on the subject.

Provide information on recognition

Acquire all documents and information necessary for performing recognition procedures, and provide all useful information to the applicant.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.2Understand what information on the qualifications for which recognition is being requested is necessary and adequate for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • K.3Understand which recognition procedures to use on the basis of their different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.4Understand which documentation is required for recognition procedures based on specific purposes.
  • K.5Understand which is the necessary documentation for the recognition procedures based on the education and training system of the country to which the qualification refers, and the main information tools available (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • K.6Know the specific requirements for access to educational and professional activities.
  • K.7Be familiar with the qualifications for access to higher education in the different education and training systems, and any specific requirements (e.g. need for an additional exam in addition to the final high school qualification for access to higher education or qualifications that give access only to particular types of institutes or specific higher education programs).
  • K.33Know the right of appeal and the related procedure in accordance with national law.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.3Know how to give authoritative and accurate information on the system and qualifications of the system in which the evaluator is based, on the systems and qualifications of other systems, and on issues related to the recognition and assessment of qualifications, in accordance with national laws and regulations.
  • S.5Know how to provide information to the applicant on the documentation necessary for recognition based on the purpose declared.
  • S.7Know how to provide clear and transparent information at all stages of the recognition procedure.
  • S.8Know how to provide clear and transparent information on the recognition procedures, from the request to the appeal procedure and on the methodology and criteria used for the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.10Know how to manage requests and applications from the applicant, indicating missing documents and/or information, using the terminology of the applicant’s country of origin, and providing information to the applicant on how and where to obtain the required documents and/or information.
  • S.19Know how to give information on the consequences of recognition, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic qualification.
  • S.35Know how to formulate an opinion and/or a decision, as a result of the recognition procedures based on the different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.36Know how to communicate the outcome of the procedure to the applicant, explaining the decision on the recognition in a way that is consistent and compliant with the relevant legislation.
  • S.37Know how to justify the reasons for denial of recognition in cases of substantial difference
  • S.38Where there is a substantial difference and full recognition of the qualification is not possible for the required purpose, suggest partial, alternative or conditional forms of recognition.
  • S.39Know how to provide information on the right to appeal and the appeal procedure.

Check the complete collection of the documents necessary to carry out the recognition

Verify that you have all the necessary documentation to carry out the recognition procedure.


  • K.4Understand which documentation is required for recognition procedures based on specific purposes.
  • K.5Understand which is the necessary documentation for the recognition procedures based on the education and training system of the country to which the qualification refers, and the main information tools available (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • K.6Know the specific requirements for access to educational and professional activities.
  • K.7Be familiar with the qualifications for access to higher education in the different education and training systems, and any specific requirements (e.g. need for an additional exam in addition to the final high school qualification for access to higher education or qualifications that give access only to particular types of institutes or specific higher education programs).
  • K.8Understand the difference between access and admission as defined in the recommendation on the automatic recognition of qualifications.
  • K.12Know the main methodologies for evaluating the qualifications of refugees in the event of partial or missing documentation.

  • S.5Know how to provide information to the applicant on the documentation necessary for recognition based on the purpose declared.
  • S.6Know how to find the missing information necessary for the evaluation and how to use the main information tools (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • S.9Know how to judge the completeness or otherwise of the documents and information necessary to conduct the evaluation procedure according to the purpose and the system of reference.
  • S.10Know how to manage requests and applications from the applicant, indicating missing documents and/or information, using the terminology of the applicant’s country of origin, and providing information to the applicant on how and where to obtain the required documents and/or information.
  • S.17Know how to evaluate the qualifications of refugees even in cases of partial or missing documentation.

Verify the institution and/or the programme

Check the status of the institution (accreditation and quality assessment) that issued the qualification and of the programme for which recognition is requested.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.18Know the theory and practice of the concept of accreditation of the programme or institution where the qualification was obtained and the forms of accreditation and quality assessment of institutions and programmes in education and training systems at national and international level.
  • K.19Know the theory and practice of the concept of the programmatic or institutional profile where the qualification was obtained.
  • K.21Know the main elements to assess the status of an institution and a programme at the time the degree was issued.
  • K.22Know the types of institutions that are not accredited but legitimate, enjoying other forms of quality assessment.
  • K.23Be aware of the types and models of transnational and international education, the types of institutions and their qualifications and the legislation that regulates them.
  • K.24Know the programmes and joint degrees, and the legislation that regulates them at national and international level.
  • K.25Be aware of the phenomenon of diploma mills and accreditation mills.
  • K.28Be familiar with the main types of non-traditional qualifications (e.g. qualifications issued following the recognition of previous learning, flexible paths such as MOOCs, modular examples, such as the so-called micro-credentials, etc.) and the main criteria for their recognition.
  • K.38Understand the criteria for dealing with complex recognition cases, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which accreditation information is not clear and transparent, etc.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.2Know how to find necessary and adequate information on the qualifications for which recognition is requested for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • S.6Know how to find the missing information necessary for the evaluation and how to use the main information tools (qualification, exam certificate, diploma supplement, etc.).
  • S.12Know how to find accurate and certified information from primary and secondary, national and international sources.
  • S.23Know how to verify the status of an institution and the accreditation/recognition of a course at the time the degree was issued based on the education and training system of reference.
  • S.24Know how to identify the type of institution and the type of course.
  • S.26Know how to identify non-accredited but legitimate institutions with alternative forms of quality assessment.
  • S.27Know how to evaluate qualifications and titles issued in international and transnational study path scenarios.
  • S.28Know how to evaluate joint degrees.
  • S.29Know how to identify a fake institution (so-called “diploma mills”) and a fake accreditation agency (so-called “accreditation mills”).
  • S.30Know how to request information from national information centres on the recognition of qualifications established on the basis of regional conventions where they exist.
  • S.31Know how to evaluate non-traditional qualifications and titles, such as qualifications issued in the face of flexible and modular paths, prior learning and lifelong learning (e.g. micro-credentials).
  • S.45Know how to evaluate complex cases of recognition, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which the information relating to accreditation is not clear and transparent, etc.

Verify the authenticity of the documentation

Verify the authenticity of the documents and their compliance with the standards provided for in the education and training system of reference.


  • K.29Know the main methods of verifying the authenticity of a qualification (security features such as watermarks, stamps, etc.; databases for online verification, etc.) and the main standards of reference with respect to the format and characteristics in the various education and training systems.

  • S.32Know how to verify the authenticity of a qualification and its compliance with the standards of the system it comes from.
  • S.33Know how to identify and evaluate false and counterfeit documents, be able to identify anomalies or inconsistencies in documents that may be indicators of fraud, or that require more convincing explanation during the evaluation phase.
  • S.41Know how to use the main types of IT solutions and methodologies for the secure sharing of qualifications and student data in a digital environment, and being able to verify the authenticity of digital certificates and qualifications.

Formulate and communicate the outcome of the assessment

Formulate, explain and communicate the outcome of the assessment in relation to the purpose for which recognition is requested, in accordance with current legislation; assess and communicate forms of partial, alternative, and conditional recognition.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.14Know what the consequences of recognition are, in terms of access to further studies, and in terms of utilisation of an academic degree.
  • K.31Know how to formulate an opinion and/or a decision, as a result of the recognition procedures based on different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition and professional recognition).
  • K.32Know the different forms of partial, alternative or conditional recognition.
  • K.33Know the right of appeal and the related procedure in accordance with national law.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.7Know how to provide clear and transparent information at all stages of the recognition procedure.
  • S.8Know how to provide clear and transparent information on the recognition procedures, from the request to the appeal procedure and on the methodology and criteria used for the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.35Know how to formulate an opinion and/or a decision, as a result of the recognition procedures based on the different purposes (academic recognition, non-academic recognition or professional recognition).
  • S.37Know how to justify the reasons for denial of recognition in cases of substantial difference
  • S.38Where there is a substantial difference and full recognition of the qualification is not possible for the required purpose, suggest partial, alternative or conditional forms of recognition.
  • S.39Know how to provide information on the right to appeal and the appeal procedure.

Manage the appeal procedure

Provide information on the rights of appeal and the appeal procedure, follow the communication with the applicant, the re-evaluation of the case and the communication of the outcome of the appeal procedure.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.33Know the right of appeal and the related procedure in accordance with national law.

  • S.2Know how to find necessary and adequate information on the qualifications for which recognition is requested for the procedures and criteria adopted to be transparent, consistent and reliable.
  • S.8Know how to provide clear and transparent information on the recognition procedures, from the request to the appeal procedure and on the methodology and criteria used for the evaluation of qualifications.
  • S.39Know how to provide information on the right to appeal and the appeal procedure.
  • S.40Know how to manage the appeal procedure according to the relevant legislation, from the request to the drafting and communication of the outcome of the procedure.

Apply the principles of confidentiality and protection of personal data

Guarantee and apply the principles of safeguarding and protection of personal data in line with the principles of the GDPR.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.39Understand the principles and characteristic elements of the security and protection of personal data as set by the GDPR.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.46Know how to apply the principles and main elements in the field of safety and protection of personal data of the GDPR, and handle and protect the personal data of the applicant in line with this legislation.

Train, supervise, coordinate and monitor the work of junior credential evaluators

Supervise, coordinate and monitor the work of junior credential evaluators


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.40Be familiar with the contents, methodology and methods for training and bringing up to date junior credential evaluators.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.47Know how to set up, conduct and evaluate the training and bringing up to date of junior credential evaluators.

Monitor the quality of recognition procedures

Monitor the quality of recognition procedures according to the main national and international guidelines and best practices on the subject.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.41Be familiar with the main national and international guidelines and best practices in the field of monitoring the quality of recognition procedures.
  • K.42Understand recognition policies on the basis of the legislation and the main reference documents at national and international level, at the current state and during their evolution.
  • K.43Know the main players that deal with recognition at a national and international level.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.48Know how to set up, conduct and evaluate an action to monitor the quality of recognition procedures according to the main national and international guidelines and best practices on the subject.

Define and update the recognition practices at the level of your institution and/or authority of reference.

Define the recognition practices at the level of one's own institution and/or authority of reference, on the basis of the legislation and the main policies of reference at national and international level, and update them periodically on the basis of the major developments in the field.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.36Know the main methodologies and criteria for conducting a comparative analysis between foreign higher education systems, underlying principles and recognition criteria.
  • K.38Understand the criteria for dealing with complex recognition cases, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which accreditation information is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • K.42Understand recognition policies on the basis of the legislation and the main reference documents at national and international level, at the current state and during their evolution.
  • K.44Be familiar with the main elements of education and training systems around the world and their evolution, the main issues of interest for recognition and about the evolution of legislation at national and international level.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.43Know how to carry out a comparative analysis between foreign systems of higher education, and between the principles and criteria of recognition, deepening the differences that then lead to an evaluation decision rather than another.
  • S.45Know how to evaluate complex cases of recognition, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which the information relating to accreditation is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • S.49Know how to define, set up, implement and update the recognition practices on the basis of the legislation and the main policies of reference at national and international level.
  • S.50Know how to develop and maintain professional relationships with education officials from other countries to obtain information on qualifications, programmes and education systems from other cultural backgrounds.
  • S.51Know how to cooperate with the main bodies that deal with recognition at a national and international level, exchanging information and best practices, and helping to promote useful tools for the entire professional community.

Cooperate with the major entities that deal with recognition at a national and international level.

Cooperate with the different players involved in recognition, exchanging information and best practices; help to promote useful tools in the sector, contributing to the development of a community of professionals in the field.


  • K.27Be familiar with the national information centres on the recognition of qualifications established on the basis of regional conventions.
  • K.43Know the main players that deal with recognition at a national and international level.

  • S.30Know how to request information from national information centres on the recognition of qualifications established on the basis of regional conventions where they exist.
  • S.50Know how to develop and maintain professional relationships with education officials from other countries to obtain information on qualifications, programmes and education systems from other cultural backgrounds.
  • S.51Know how to cooperate with the main bodies that deal with recognition at a national and international level, exchanging information and best practices, and helping to promote useful tools for the entire professional community.

Carry out research and develop new knowledge in the field of recognition of qualifications

Carry out constant and periodic research on changes in the education and training systems of all countries in the world, on the main issues of interest for recognition, on the evolution of national and international legislation on the subject.


  • K.1Be familiar with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, with the principles of the international conventions on the recognition of qualifications (global convention and regional conventions) and with the national legislation on recognition.
  • K.36Know the main methodologies and criteria for conducting a comparative analysis between foreign higher education systems, underlying principles and recognition criteria.
  • K.37Be familiar with the main research topics in the field of academic recognition of qualifications.
  • K.38Understand the criteria for dealing with complex recognition cases, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which accreditation information is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • K.42Understand recognition policies on the basis of the legislation and the main reference documents at national and international level, at the current state and during their evolution.
  • K.43Know the main players that deal with recognition at a national and international level.
  • K.44Be familiar with the main elements of education and training systems around the world and their evolution, the main issues of interest for recognition and about the evolution of legislation at national and international level.

  • S.1Know how to conduct the evaluation procedure, from the request to the appeal, in line with the principles of the Lisbon Convention and its subsidiary texts, and on the basis of national legislation on recognition.
  • S.43Know how to carry out a comparative analysis between foreign systems of higher education, and between the principles and criteria of recognition, deepening the differences that then lead to an evaluation decision rather than another.
  • S.44Know how to carry out constant and periodic research on changes related to the education and training systems of all countries in the world, on the main issues of interest for recognition, on the evolution of legislation at national and international level on the subject, and know how to develop new knowledge on the subject.
  • S.45Know how to evaluate complex cases of recognition, such as the recognition of qualifications issued by institutions in war zones and/or disputed territories, qualifications and institutions for which the information relating to accreditation is not clear and transparent, etc.
  • S.50Know how to develop and maintain professional relationships with education officials from other countries to obtain information on qualifications, programmes and education systems from other cultural backgrounds.
  • S.51Know how to cooperate with the main bodies that deal with recognition at a national and international level, exchanging information and best practices, and helping to promote useful tools for the entire professional community.